5.00 2018/10/02
★7 あなたも私も食物連鎖
Today's Special: Hunter Flambe
5.00 2018/09/24
★7 それは蒼き空の王者
Ruler of the Azure Skies
4.01 2018/08/01
★7 あなたも私も食物連鎖
Today's Special: Hunter Flambe
4.01 2018/07/29
★8 幻獣は斯く麗しき
Lightning Strikes Twice
4.01 2018/06/26
★9 冥き河にて灯火掲げん
A Light Upon the River's Gloom
4.01 2018/06/19
★8 獄炎の牙城
Hellfire's Stronghold
4.01 2018/06/14
★9 新大陸の空と花
New World Sky, New World Flower
2.01 2018/04/18
★9 冥き河にて灯火掲げん
A Light Upon the River's Gloom
2.01 2018/04/17
★8 幻獣は斯く麗しき
Lightning Strikes Twice
2.01 2018/04/15
★8 飃風の疵は浅からぬ
The Winds of Wrath Bite Deep
2.01 2018/04/13
★8 獄炎の牙城
Hellfire's Stronghold
2.01 2018/04/09
★8 古を喰らうもの
The Eater of Elders