6.02 2019/07/08
★8 墓標の底にて目覚むる
Stirrings from the Grave
6.02 2019/07/05
★7 黒角竜は砂地がお好き
Two-horned Hostility
6.02 2019/06/18
★8 墓標の底にて目覚むる
Stirrings from the Grave
6.02 2019/06/12
★8 墓標の底にて目覚むる
Stirrings from the Grave
6.02 2019/06/10
★7 荒野の大大大暴動!
RRRRRumble in the Waste!
6.01 2019/02/26
★7 ディアブロスの狩猟
Well, That Diablos!
5.11 2018/11/03
★9 エオルゼアからの来訪者
A Visitor from Eorzea
5.00 2018/08/17
★8 古を喰らうもの
The Eater of Elders
4.01 2018/07/12
★8 飃風の疵は浅からぬ
The Winds of Wrath Bite Deep
4.01 2018/06/16
★8 古を喰らうもの
The Eater of Elders